CANCELLED due to Hurricane Helene October 3-4, 2024 location1. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS, HOTEL INFORMATION, ETC. 2. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM 3. REGISTER ON THE MEMBERSHIP PAGE 2023 Business Proposed Amendments to Bylaws CHANGES IN RED 1. SCES J. H. Cochran Memorial Scholarship ($2000) Bylaws: Nominations for the J.H. Cochran Memorial Scholarship are open to qualified graduate students who have maintained membership in the South Carolina Entomological Society for any portion of the year preceding the Society's annual meeting. Qualifying status is based on enrollment at any graduate institution in South or North Carolina within the year prior to the annual meeting, or on engagement by a graduate student in independent entomological research of direct benefit to the welfare of the citizens, industries or environment of the Carolinas. Nomination must be made in writing by any full or emeritus member of the South Carolina Entomological Society. A single letter citing evidence of outstanding achievement and service plus supporting documentation shall constitute a complete nomination package. Supporting documentation shall consist of a student resumé not exceeding three (3) pages in length (that includes duration of membership in the SCES) and a summary of completed graduate coursework with graduate GPA The selection committee may solicit supplementary information if necessary. Selection shall be based on service to the student's department, university, affiliate institutions, or to the people of the Carolinas, as well as on high scholastic and professional achievements. 2. Frances J. McAlister Award Bylaws: Nomination must be made in writing by a full or emeritus member of the South Carolina Entomological Society. A single letter citing evidence of outstanding achievement and service plus any supporting documentation shall constitute a complete nomination package. Supporting documentation shall consist of a student curriculum vitae or resumé not exceeding three (3) pages in length. The selection committee may solicit supplementary information if necessary. 3. South Carolina Entomological Society Presentation Awards ($100) Presentation awards are given to participants for outstanding presentations (poster and oral) at the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Entomological Society. To qualify for presentation awards, students must have maintained membership in the South Carolina Entomological Society for any portion of the year preceding the Society's annual meeting. Awards are $100 each and given in the following categories: High School, Oral Presentation Undergraduate, Oral Presentation Graduate, M.S., Oral Presentation Graduate, Ph.D., Oral Presentation High School, Poster Undergraduate, Poster Graduate, M.S., Poster Graduate, Ph.D., Poster Election 2023Candidates HISTORIAN Gerald (Gerry) Carner was born in Nagpur, India in 1943 and attended Kodai International School through his Junior year in high school. He returned to the U.S. and completed his high school in Pasadena, Calif. His undergraduate studies were in biology at Asbury University and he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Entomology at Auburn University under an NDEA Fellowship. After a one-year post-doc at Auburn, he joined the Dept. of Entomology at Clemson in Feb., 1970. He taught numerous courses at Clemson including Insect Pathology, Integrated Pest Management, and an undergraduate Entomology elective course. His research was centered around Insect Pathology, Microbial Control, and Integrated Pest Management. He retired in 2006, but remained active in international work for the next 12 years. He lived in Indonesia for two years as the project manager for a USAID-funded IPM Project. He also worked on other USAID projects in Indonesia, The Philippines, and Cambodia. He continues to do volunteer work such as guest lectures, committee assignments, and photography for the Entomology Program. VICE PRESIDENT Timothy Marshall Drake Jr., Ph.D. State Entomologist Assistant Director, Regulatory and Public Service Programs, Clemson University Employed 27 years with the Clemson University Regulatory Services Division (Department of Plant Industry, Department of Pesticide Regulation) Degrees: B.S. in Biology (Clemson, 1985), M.S. in Entomology (Clemson, 1987), Ph.D. in Entomology (Clemson, 1997) National Associations: -Association of American Pesticide Control Officials (AAPCO) 2000-Present (Served on the AAPCO Board of Directors and as President of the Association) -Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials (2000-present) (serve on the public health committee) -Certification and Assessment Group (CTAG) Board of Directors -State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group (SFIREG) (Served on the Pesticide Operations and Management Committee, and the Environmental Quality Issues Committee) -Served as Chair of the Region 4 SFIREG Committee for 9 years Clemson University Service: Served as President of the Clemson University Staff Senate Clemson University Staff Development Program (Helped to develop, implement, and administer the Staff Development Program at Clemson…the first program of its kind within any major US University) Clemson University Heritage Preservation Committee Clemson University Historic Properties Alumni Advisory Committee, Recording Secretary County/State Service: Pendleton Historic Foundation Board of Directors (1990 – present), Secretary Anderson County Museum Advisory Committee (2009 – present) Served as Chairman twice Belton Area Museum Association Board of Directors (2005-present) Served as President three times, currently Vice President Pickens County Historical Association Board of Directors (2012-present), Clemson Area Vice President Teaching: General Biology, Anderson University (1990s) Regulatory Issues and Public Environmental Policy (Clemson University Plant and Environmental Sciences Department), currently teach one course every other semester. Awards: Order of the Palmetto, awarded by Governor Henry McMaster (2023) for public service and historic preservation in SC. Paper/Poster Submission 2023Paper submissions will be accepted for presentations 12-minutes in length. An additional three minutes will be provided for questions.
Awards for the best papers and posters in designated categories will be recognized at the Friday Awards Lunch. The winners of each student category will receive $100.00 from the SCES. The award categories are Oral Presentation: High School, Undergraduate, Graduate (M.S.), & Graduate (Ph.D.), and Poster: High School, Undergraduate, Graduate (M.S.), & Graduate (Ph.D.). Judging criteria are available at ![]()
2021 Posters
Past Annual Meetings